Same as Ever is the best work by Morgan House after The Psychology of Money. This book has 23 chapters, each with a collection of short stories that help us understand the concept of human behavior and how it affects our lives.
Same As Ever will teach you how to think about risks and opportunities and deal with future uncertainty. It explores how the past can influence our future choices and offers suggestions for better choices.
By the end of the book, you will know how each decision impacts what happens in the future.

- Chapter Wise Book Summary Of Same As Ever
- 1. Hanging By A Thread
- 2. Risk Is What You Don’t See
- 3. Expectations And Reality
- 4. Wild Minds
- 5. Wild Numbers
- 6. Best Story Wins
- 7. Does Not Compute
- 8. Calm Plants The Seeds Of Crazy
- 9. Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast
- 10. When The Magic Happens
- 11. Overnight Tragedies And Long-Term Miracles
- 12. Tiny and Magnificent
Chapter Wise Book Summary Of Same As Ever
1. Hanging By A Thread
If you know where we’ve been, you realize we have no idea where we’re going.
Morgan says that some of history’s biggest and most important changes happened because of a random, unplanned, thoughtless encounter or decision that led to magic or chaos.
He shares his story to explain the same thing.
When he was a teenager, he and his two friends, Bryan Allan and Bryan Richmond, loved to ski. They skied six days a week, ten months a year, and traveled the globe for snow.
One morning, he and his friend were skiing on a blanket of fresh snow. A small avalanche was created during The Skiing, but it ended quickly. They reach the bottom safely.
But his friend wants to do the same thing again, but Morgan doesn’t want to. And they died because of an avalanche.
The author says that this discussion saved his life, but he has no explanation for this.
He didn’t think it through, he didn’t consider the risk, he didn’t consult an expert, and I didn’t weigh the pros and cons.
It was a complete fluke, a random and thoughtless piece of luck.
2. Risk Is What You Don’t See
We are very good at predicting the future, except for the surprises—which tend to be all that matter.
Here, the author talks about how many people think that they can predict and forecast the outcomes of specific future events.
But They Can’t. He explains the same examples.
In 1961, NASA tried out a new space suit by sending Victor Prather and another pilot up to a height of 113,720 feet. The space suit performed well on the mission. But when Prather went down, he accidentally opened his helmet’s faceplate and fell into the ocean.
Even though the space suit was watertight and buoyant, he drowned because he opened his faceplate and let water in.
This incident shows that space missions are carefully planned and every detail and risk is carefully considered.
It indicates that mistakes can lead to tragic outcomes, even with careful planning and plans for emergencies.
Risk is what’s left over after you think you’ve thought of everything.- Carl Richards
3. Expectations And Reality
The first rule of happiness is low expectations.
Your happiness depends more on your expectations than anything else. Most things in our world are improving, like wealth increasing, technology bringing new efficiencies, and medicine saving lives. The quality of life goes up.
But we are still not happy. WHY?
Because our expectations are also increasing, meeting them doesn’t feel easy. We compare our lives with others instead of focusing on our Ikigai, or life’s purpose, and wants matter to us.
You compare yourself to your peers by watching a highlight reel of their lives, where positive things are highlighted and negative things are hidden.
Then That is the solution to this problem. Let’s understand this with a quote.
If you only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult.
It means managing your expectations and not comparing your life to other people’s lives.
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4. Wild Minds
People who think outside the box will inevitably have ideas you cherish and ideas you dislike. That’s the nature of unique thought.
Let’s understand the same with an example:
John Boyd, an exceptional fighter pilot, profoundly influenced the field of aerial combat. He created the “Aerial Attack Study,” which combined mathematics and maneuver tactics to change how aircraft are designed and piloted.
Boyd’s key insight was the advantage of how quickly a plane could change course and begin climbing over speed or altitude.
Even though Boyd was brilliant, and his manual had a lasting effect, he was very aggressive. His unusual and sometimes rebellious behavior, including not following orders or doing strange things, made many people uncomfortable. His personality reflects a complex legacy of genius and defiance.
Look at other great visionaries.
- Many people admire Musk’s vision but wish it didn’t include his disregard (I-don’t-care-about-you) for traditional rules.
- Steve Jobs was also a genius and could be a monster of a boss.
I don’t think they can be separated. It’s the risk-reward trade-offs of the same personality trait.
5. Wild Numbers
People don’t want accuracy. They want certainty.
People want to feel certain about things, even though the world is constantly changing and unpredictable. Many times, experts who try to predict the future will be wrong.
This is because even the most unlikely things can happen. The more people or events there are, the more likely it is that something crazy will happen somewhere to someone.
And once it does, we hear all about it on the news. But just because things feel crazy doesn’t mean the world is actually more broken than it used to be.
Pick a recent news story (a natural disaster, celebrity scandal, etc.) and relate how it fits into the idea that unlikely events can still happen, and the news makes them seem even more common.
6. Best Story Wins
Stories are always more powerful than statistics.
The best story wins. That means even the most boring idea can become exciting if it’s told the right way. Think of your favorite movie or book – is the idea itself really new, or did the author/director just tell it in a way that makes your heart race?
Stories easily move people; sometimes, a great story can convince us even more than facts.
Let’s pick Mr. Beast. Instead of focusing on all the crazy stunts, ask: What’s his story? He’s the guy giving away tons of money, right? That’s a simple, exciting idea everyone understands. This connects to the idea that a well-told story sells, even if the idea itself isn’t revolutionary.
7. Does Not Compute
Sometimes, things happen that make NO sense. People make stupid decisions and do things that go against all logic. That’s because we’re not robots.
We have emotions, dreams, and fears, and those sometimes lead us more than numbers and facts.
Even the smartest people make choices that seem to defy logic. Why? Because emotions matter! Feelings like fear, excitement, and the desire to belong can be stronger than any spreadsheet or plan.
This can make the stock market, battlefields, or even your friend group seem totally unpredictable. But if you can understand how emotions work, it gives you a secret power.
8. Calm Plants The Seeds Of Crazy
Things can seem totally wonderful, but then go crazy in the blink of an eye! Why?
Because when things are good for too long, we get bored and take big risks.
This happens in the stock market, with inventions, and even the weather! It makes sense when you think about it, but it also means things can get messy.
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9. Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast
Can you think of a time you tried to rush something, only to have it backfire? Maybe a school project, building something, or even baking a cake?
Sometimes, trying to improve something (your IDEA) worsens it. Companies get too big, investments grow too fast, or even our bodies can’t handle getting big too quickly.
It doesn’t mean the original idea is bad, but there’s a limit to how far you can go.
This happens in business, nature, and even with our bodies! The saying, “Slow and steady wins the race,” is true.
10. When The Magic Happens
Have you ever heard a story about someone who survived a tough situation and went on to do something amazing?
Occasionally, the toughest times bring out the best in us. Big problems and scary situations can make people super focused and creative.
Think about a fire or a war…people were forced to solve problems fast. This has led to many amazing inventions, changes to make things more fair, and scientific progress. But, of course, there is a limit – too much stress can cause people to lose their ability to think clearly.
11. Overnight Tragedies And Long-Term Miracles
Good news comes from compounding, which takes time. Bad news comes from losing confidence or a big mistake that can happen quickly.
Good things take time, but a disaster can happen quickly! That’s why we often overlook amazing progress like long-term medical breakthroughs (fewer heart attacks = tons of lives saved). But a crisis – a war, a stock market crash – gets all our attention.
This isn’t new, and it’s why it’s easy to feel pessimistic even though the world keeps getting better in many ways.
Okay, I’m going to give you a little news quiz. Comment if you’ve seen a headline about these recently:
- A stock market drop
- A natural disaster (like a hurricane or earthquake)
- A new virus or disease outbreak
- A celebrity scandal
Now, how many of you have seen a headline like ‘Childhood Literacy Rates Slowly Improving’ or ‘Average Wages Inch Upward’? [Expect way fewer comments for this one!]
Bad news grabs our attention because it feels urgent and scary. Good news that happens gradually? That’s boring, even if it’s actually way more impactful.
12. Tiny and Magnificent
Small things can add up to BIG problems…or amazing breakthroughs! Think of a viral disease that spreads, or a tiny positive habit leading to success over time.
We underestimate this because shocking events are more noticeable, but it’s a pattern seen throughout history.
Let See.
- Buying a daily $5 latte: Over a year, that adds up to over $1800, money that could have been saved or invested.
- Eating one extra sugary snack daily: Can lead to gradual weight gain, tooth decay, and increased risk of metabolic conditions.
- Checking your phone every 15 minutes: Disrupts focus, reduces deep work time, and creates a cycle of constant distraction.
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